Why is there a walking forest in Roermond?

Greening the city centre is extremely important. With a greener city centre, we contribute to a healthy living environment, both for our planet and for the inhabitants and visitors of Roermond. As of Sunday, 17 April, the Markt in the centre of Roermond will be a lot greener thanks to a unique initiative of a number of local, 'green entrepreneurs'. The Market will be 'dressed up' with a walking city forest

Thanks to the Walking Forest, you too can experience how beneficial a green centre can be for our living environment. In addition, a stroll along the walking city forest is relaxing, educational and artistic!

In the coming weeks, this forest will 'walk' to various locations in the inner city of Roermond. Take a seat on a bench, relax and enjoy a piece of forest, in the middle of the city.

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Do you want to discover all the mysteries of this urban forest? Then download the Pl@ntNet app now to reveal the secrets of the trees in the Wandering Forest.

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Wandelendstadsbos 2022